What’s Happening @ Friendship?


This Sunday we'll conclude our study of 1 John called “Walking in Light, Love, and Life” by looking at the promise that following Jesus leads to eternal life. We look forward to seeing you at 9:00 and 10:45. We realize that some of you may be unable to attend in person and encourage you to watch the service online at 10:45 AM on our website, the YouTube channel, or Facebook page. If you'd like to listen to recent sermons in podcast form, you now can find our Friendship Sermon Podcast on your favorite podcast platform. As always, you can worship God through Friendship by giving on our secure giving page online.

We have many ministry opportunities coming up, so please take a moment to check out the updated announcements below:

Gather to Worship

  • Membership Class: Interested in learning more about Friendship or joining the church? today from noon-2pm we will provide lunch and an overview of Friendship’s mission, vision, history, beliefs and ministries. Sign up with Joan or at the information booth

  • Graduate Sunday: If you are graduating from high school, college, or graduate school, we would love to recognize you on Sunday, June 9th. Sign up at the info booth or by visiting fcbc.church/graduates.

  • FriendshipKIDS: This Sunday we continue learning how “The Church Grows.” We are excited to offer remote check-in! If you have the SimpleChurchCRM app, you can check your children in when you are one mile from the church and then just pick up your badges as you walk in.

Grow with Others

  • It's always a great time to join a Growth Group. Don’t know when they meet? Check here!

  • FriendshipYOUTH  is studying Proverbs on Wednesdays from 6:00-8:00 pm. Our group is growing and our small groups are thriving, so if you have teens in Middle/High School, please bring them. We have games, worship, lesson, snack, and small groups (MS/HS boys/girls) each week.

Go and Serve

  • Missionary Update:  Please keep the Cenepo-Torres family in your prayers as they continue to minister in Peru. You can find their latest update here.

  • Peru Mission Team Support: If you would like to contribute to support our team that will be serving in Peru in June, you can do so from the dropdown menu on our  secure giving page.

  • Bereavement: Please be in prayer for the Okoroji-Schaeffer family as they grieve the loss of Margaret's husband Tony as well as Tony's brother who was found deceased on Friday. Information regarding Tony's services can be found here.

Grace and peace,

Pastor Steve